NPS School Supply Recommendations for2024-2025
Posted on 08/18/2023
Below you will find a list of suggestions from teachers for student school supplies. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the NPS Main Office.
5th Grade:
General: Pencils, Colored Pencils, Erasers
ELA - 1-subject notebook and folder
Math - 1 1/2” Binder and 2-pocket folder, 3-hole pencil pouch
Science/SS- 2 composition notebooks
6th Grade:
General: Pencils, colored pencils, erasers, dry erase markers
ELA - composition notebook, post it notes
Math - 2” 3-Ring binder, basic calculator
Science - 1-subject notebook
7th Grade:
General: Pencils, pens erasers, highlighters, sticky notes, colored pencils, ruler, scissors, glue sticks
ELA - 1” 3-ring binder, loose leaf paper, 2-pocket folder
Math - Composition notebook, dry erase markers, pencils
Science - 3 Hardcover 9.75 X 7.5 200 page composition notebooks, ruler, fine point black marker
8th Grade
General - Pencils, erasers, dry erase markers, headphones or earbuds
ELA - 2 2-pocket folders, 1 3-ring binder
Math - 2 composition notebooks, 2-pocket folder, dry erase markers
Science - 1 two-pocket folder, 1 composition notebook, scientific calculator
S.S. - 2-pocket folder, 1 subject spiral notebook
Art - pencil and eraser