As a resource to our parents and students we have composed a list of some sites that deal with a broad range of topics that can be important to the middle school student and their family.
Access this website to view student grades. (For access information, please contact Mrs. Mezzanotte, [email protected] .)
Access this website to view course assignments, materials and due dates. (For access information, please contact Mrs. Mezzanotte, [email protected] .)
Bullying Policy and Report:
This link provides information regarding the Narragansett School System bullying policy and as well as the Incident Reporting form.
Virtual Calming Room:
The Virtual Calming Room is a place for students and families to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings. It offers a variety of links such as guided meditation, mindfulness activities, exercise etc.
Mental Health Topics:
This site is rich in links and resources including an interactive guide to learning disabilities useful to both parents and teachers.
Friends Way:
Friends Way provides training workshops and counseling services for children and families working through loss and grief.
Kids’ Link RI - Children in Crisis:
Kids’ Link connects parents and caregivers to an experienced clinician that can help them access children’s services in Rhode Island and determine the best place to go for treatment and counseling.
Parenting Resources:
This website provides a wide variety of evidence-based resources for parents.
Family Care Community Partnership:
FCCP provides resources to children and families to help create a safe, nurturing environment for the child, and to assist the parents in managing behavioral or emotional troubles that might be an issue with their children.
Parent Support Network of Rhode Island:
This link provides information about parent workshops to support parents, family members of children, youth and young adults at risk. Community resources are included as well.