Below, You will find helpful links, tools, and forms for NPS students to use throughout the school year. If you cannot find what you're looking for, or have additional questions, please contact the NPS Main Office.
Your child will have the opportunity to practice their Math skills over the summer. Not only will this opportunity keep their skills fresh and sharp, it will reduce the anxiety students experience at the beginning of the year when they wonder if they will remember what they learned in previous Math classes. The practice is due Friday, September 8th to give students an opportunity to get support on specific examples they had difficulty with. There will be a check for understanding the following week to identify students who are lacking the prerequisite skills they need in order to be successful and get them support as soon as possible.
Entering 7th Grade Packet
Entering 8th Grade Packet
Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation Incident Reporting Form
Go Formative for NSS
GoFormative resources:
Google Docs for Students
PowerSchool Parent/Guardian/Student Access
School Closing Procedural Handbook
Honor Society
Workbooks and Educational Tools
Molecular Workbench
Math Links for Students - By Grade Level
NetSmartZ - Fun, easy way to remember internet safety rules
Web Games - Give your brain a workout!
Figure This! -Math Challenges