Dear Families,
Yearbooks are a tradition for schools throughout the US and Canada. At
Lifetouch, we are humbled to be a part of providing that tradition. We know
how important yearbooks are - especially in times like these.
We want to take a moment to acknowledge this year’s delayed yearbook
delivery is not what you, as our customers expect, nor deserve, from Lifetouch.
We want you to be aware that our primary yearbook production facilities are
located in some of the states that are being hardest hit by the pandemic. We
have prioritized the safety of our employees; and we are following all state and local health guidelines to create a safe working environment. Social distancing requirements mean that there are fewer people available to work at any given time. These changes have impacted our production schedule in meaningful ways.
We realize this has created a lot of frustration since we are currently unable to provide an estimated delivery time frame for your school’s yearbook. Please know our teams are doing everything possible to get your yearbook to you. Shipping is monitored daily. As soon as your yearbook ships, your school will receive tracking information so they can arrange to distribute the yearbooks to the students and families in a manner that is best suited for everyone’s safety.
As we navigate COVID-19, our intent is to provide you with a yearbook that
your student will treasure for a lifetime. We thank you for your patience and
understanding as we navigate this unprecedented time together.